Sunday, May the 31st – 23:00 – Sines / Portugal

Lisbon and Cascais lie behind. We managed more than 50 NM today in a northwesterly F5-F6. There were some massive waves on the way to Sines but Matilda did an excellent work again providing a good feeling of safety. Of course, the wind freshed up to an F7 (min) again at the arrival. I am getting used to maneuvering at these wind forces and I think anything below F6 is going to be boring in the future :-) We managed a super-duper spot-on berthing maneuver and went for some great grilled fish dinner at the Restinguinha restaurant which can really be recommended!

20150531 cabo

20150531 Robert

20150531 Evan

20150531 Fisher

20150531 tugboat

2 Replies to “Sunday, May the 31st – 23:00 – Sines / Portugal”

  1. Schön, dass die Reise so gut weitergeht und auf den Wind Verlass ist. Es ist komisch, jetzt auf der anderen Seite (hinter dem Monitor) zu sitzen und Matilda nur als Punkt auf der Karte zu verfolgen. Viel Spaß weiterhin in den mediterraneren Breiten und: The German owns the fish ;)

    (das andere Rätsel hab ich noch nicht angefangen)

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