It’s done. On May the 3rd 2015, a cold wet day, in the morning at 06:00 I left the Oosterschelde, sailed to Belgium and France and through the Alderney Race to Guernsey. I crossed the Bay of Biscay, and rounded Cap Finistere. Pushed by the Portuguese trade winds I surfed the Atlantic waves along the Portuguese coast all the way south and around Cabo de Sao Vincente to Spain and Gibraltar and into the Mediterranean. I anchored in the Baleares and sailed to Sardinia and Sicily and the Lipari Islands. I dropped the anchor in fantastic bays in the Greek Ionian Islands and visited Odysseus’s home island Ithaca. I sailed singlehanded from Corfu to Oropos where I finally dropped my anchor in the bay where I learned to sail when I was a child.
Tomorrow, Matilda will be sailed to Chalkoutsi where she is going to be located for the next years.